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Top Tips For Decorating Your First Home On A Budget - House of Home | Furniture
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Top Tips For Decorating Your First Home On A Budget

Nesting is a natural habit we all pick up when we are living in a space that we want to make our own. Perhaps you go all out and paint the walls, transform the layout and hang art from every wall. You may prefer a more subtle approach, choosing to spruce up your floors and investing in nice furniture. Whatever hopes you have for your home, it is possible to decorate your first home on a budget. Let’s get into some fool-proof tips to improve your home decor without breaking the bank.

Update your curtains and blinds

They say that the windows are the soul of the home, which means the curtains and blinds have a big responsibility in creating a stylish look and feel. Updating your window dressings with affordable curtains and blinds is a very easy way to change the style of a home, and you can do it cheaply and quickly. Depending on the climate you live in and the position of the windows, you may wish to choose blackout curtains, thermal curtains or other selections that are beautiful and functional. Plantation shutters are all the range currently, but they are quite expensive. If you are up to the challenge you may want to order from the many DIY shutter outlets and install them yourself.

Wall paint and wallpaper

The impact that fresh walls have on a home is truly remarkable. Taking white to a colourful paint or a colourful paint to white can change the look and feel of your room, making it a new canvas to style and enjoy. If your budget does not allow you to completely repaint the entire home, then you can be strategic with the walls you paint and create feature walls in each room. A painted feature wall can look fantastic behind a bedhead, a desk and other living spaces.   Another huge trend that is affordable and impactful is wallpaper. Wallpaper can be applied to every wall or just one wall, and you may choose a bold print or something a little more subtle. When homeowners sell one of the first things they do is paint the walls as it is the one task that delivers the most change and impact.

Add house plants

Houseplants are some of the best decor items you can ask for. Not only do they purify the air in your home, but they bring so much life and vibrancy to the area. You can also choose pots and plant containers that replicate the colours and style of your home, and if you cannot find something quite right at the store you can paint an existing pot. A very affordable way to bring plants to life in your home is to propagate your plants, and with enough patience and expertise, you will have many new plants around your home without spending any money. You can also go to nurseries or find plants on online marketplaces, so be sure to look for plants during the right season so there is more range.

Bring some art and intrigue to your home

Adding some artwork to your walls and shelves is a great way to create stunning home decor. If you are a creative person, you may want to try your hand at creating your own art. Perhaps you can draw an illustration, try watercolour painting or even hang a printed photograph that you are proud of. You can also showcase some collectables on shelves, mantles and tables. Vintage cameras are a great decor item, and so are beautifully bound books and other items that are special to you and part of your personality.

Reupholster and upcycle rather than replace

It’s all too easy to see a sale and snag a few new pieces of furniture, but there is a cheaper way to refresh your home. Upcycling items breathes new life into your favourite pieces and it has the added benefit of being sustainable and environmentally friendly. Another great idea is to reupholster your furniture, choosing modern fabrics to redress your couches, chairs and even cushions. There are countless YouTube channels and upcycling blogs that are specifically dedicated to upcycling items around your home so you will not be short of inspiration! When you learn what is possible with upcycling, you will never buy new again.   ~   We hope this guide has got you thinking of all the ways you can enhance your home without overspending. The first thing you want to do is have a clear idea of the budget you are working with so crunch the numbers before you start planning to save yourself some heartache!